Climate Change is Still a Debate? !

Come on. If anyone has learned anything from the past is that the weather of the world is always changing. To think that we could stop it in our favor is ridiculous. It will change independently of whatever we humans do to it.
The problem is pollution. And that problem affects our human biology and the way life functions at this point in time and history. If HUMANS want to survive,  then pollution needs to stop.  But the planet itself will survive anything. Life as we know it can end, but mutated life can go on. If major lifeforms die, then life will start all over again, adapting and feeding off of our pollution and it will evolve to again be dominant over the planet.
Cycles, circles.
And then again, people also are so afraid that if things change, we'll all just die.
Uh, we're still evolving too. How are we so sure that we're not going to adapt and our body temperature won't change with the changing planetary temperature? Quit trying to change or stop things we have no control over and quit distracting people from what is really important: corporate douchebags who care about profits and short term happiness over the well being of their fellow man and lifeforms. Fuck that shit.  FUCK that shit.
They know how to do one thing and they refuse to implement the costs of changing the way they do business even though it will help humanity. It costs too much. It would take too long. Retraining personnel. Blah blah blah.
The problem with people is themselves and their own greed and ambitions. The easy way is usually the one with the most fallout, but since it doesn't affect them, they won't care until it's too late. The solutions are already here. If we took some of the profits these mother fuckers are sitting on, we could fix all energy problems, all health problems, all world hunger and pollution in a few years.
So I hope you enjoy your seven homes and your yacht and private jet, while you doom the rest of life as we know it to a painful, radiation filled, pollution filled death.


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